Unclaimed funds can arise from various sources, including forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, dormant savings bonds, insurance policies, and much more. Once funds are deemed abandoned, they are relinquished by the state. Many times, the funds that go through this process go unnoticed, leaving rightful owners unaware of their existence.
The state typically does the minimum required to find and inform potential claimants. State agencies stand to gain and accrue interest in your unclaimed funds, thus further benefiting that your funds remain unclaimed. We believe your money demands immediate attention. Our firm's philosophy is that if you have unclaimed funds, and they are in the possession of state agencies, they need to be pursued diligently, professionally, and with accuracy.
At Omnia Refund Firm, we pride ourselves on our commitment to professionalism. We treat every client's case with the utmost care and respect, ensuring that your interests are well-represented throughout the process. We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of your funds, and we will work tirelessly to deliver the results you deserve. Over the years, we have successfully helped countless individuals and businesses reclaim their unclaimed funds from state agencies. Our satisfied clients have experienced the positive impact that these funds can have on their lives and financial situations. With our help, you can avoid potential pitfalls and ensure a smooth and successful claim process.
We are driven by the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to regain what is rightfully theirs, and we are dedicated to achieving that outcome.
5511 Parkcrest Dr. Suite 103, #822
Austin, Texas 78731